2008年2月25日 星期一

Stage6:又一個科技界的嘆息! 將於2008/02/28關閉!



使用這個標題,是因為我想到之前也看過一篇文章,講的是【ICQ :一個科技行銷上的嘆息!】引用該篇文章的結語:

『ICQ 是科技行銷上面的另外一個嘆息。很多技術背景的廠商知道如何經營早期採用者生意,卻怎麼也跨不過要進入大眾市場的那個門檻。』



引述該網站公告如下: http://www.stage6.com/blog/107/

Stage6 to Shut Down on February 28

I’m Tom (aka Spinner), a Stage6 user and an employee of DivX, Inc., the company behind the service. I’m writing this message today to inform you that we plan to shut down Stage6 on February 28, 2008. Upload functionality has already been turned off, and you’ll be able to view and download videos until Thursday.

I know this news will come as a shock and disappointment to many Stage6 users, and I’d like to take a few moments to explain the reasons behind our decision.

We created Stage6 with the mission of empowering content creators and viewers to discover a new kind of video experience. Stage6 began as an experiment, and we always knew there was a chance that it might not succeed.

In many ways, though, the service did succeed, beyond even our own initial expectations. Stage6 became very popular very quickly. We helped gain exposure for some talented filmmakers who brought great videos to the attention of an engaged community. We helped prove that it’s possible to distribute true high definition video on the Internet. And we helped broaden the Internet video experience by offering content that is compatible with DVD players, mobile devices and other products beyond the PC.

So why are we shutting the service down? Well, the short answer is that the continued operation of Stage6 is a very expensive enterprise that requires an enormous amount of attention and resources that we are not in a position to continue to provide. There are a lot of other details involved, but at the end of the day it’s really as simple as that.

Now, why didn’t we think of that before we decided to create Stage6 in the first place, you may ask? That’s a good question. When we first created Stage6, there was a clear need for a service that would offer a true high quality video experience online because other video destinations on the Internet simply weren’t providing that to users. A gap existed, and Stage6 arrived to fill it.

As Stage6 grew quickly and dramatically (accompanied by an explosion of other sites delivering high quality video), it became clear that operating the service as a part of the larger DivX business no longer made sense. We couldn’t continue to run Stage6 and focus on our broader strategy to make it possible for anyone to enjoy high quality video on any device. So, in July of last year we announced that we were kicking off an effort to explore strategic alternatives for Stage6, which is a fancy way of saying we decided we would either have to sell it, spin it out into a private company or shut it down.

I won’t (and can’t, really) go into too much detail on those first two options other than to say that we tried really hard to find a way to keep Stage6 alive, either as its own private entity or by selling it to another company. Ultimately neither of those two scenarios was possible, and we made the hard decision to turn the lights off and cease operation of the service.

So that’s where we are today. After February 28, Stage6 will cease to exist as an online destination. But the larger DivX universe will continue to thrive. Every day new DivX Certified devices arrive on the market making it easy to move video beyond the PC. Products powered by DivX Connected, our new initiative that lets users stream video, photos, music and Internet services from the PC to the TV, are hitting retail outlets. We remain committed to empowering content creators to deliver high quality video to a wide audience, and we’ll continue to offer services that will make it easy to find videos online in the DivX format.

It’s been a wild ride, and none of it would have been possible without the support of our users. Thank you for making Stage6 everything that it was.


Posted 1 hour ago (2/25/08 5:07AM PST) by Spinner

-- 2008/02/25 23:21 這篇文章找到了,我找不到作者,如果您是作者或是知道出處,請跟我聯絡,謝謝!--

Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 5:52 PM
Subject: ICQ :一個科技行銷上的嘆息
ICQ :一個科技行銷上的嘆息

當我們在談論到所謂的即時傳訊軟體(Instant Messenger ,簡稱IM)時,就不由得會想到歷史悠久的先鋒-ICQ 。這個遠在1996年由一家以色列公司(Mirabilis )發展出來的即時傳訊軟體,因為其優異的功能以及先行者的優勢,迅速受到網路使用者歡迎。而Mirabilis公司也因此在1998被美國線上(AOL )買下。

ICQ 幾乎已經變成了即時傳訊軟體的代名詞。當我們要送訊息給朋友的時候,會說:「我等一下 Q你。」而如果我們想把檔案透過 ICQ傳給別人的時候,會說:「我等一下 Q給你。」有一次當我試圖介紹別的廠牌即時傳訊軟體給朋友時,我說:「這軟體就跟 ICQ一樣。」

ICQ 從早年的版本一路發展下來,一直以免費的型態提供給大眾,因為免費使用可以讓軟體散播的速度更快。而透過網路上親朋好友的相互介紹,ICQ以驚人的速度散佈。雖然同一時期市面上還有其他的IM軟體,但大家總覺得 ICQ的功能最好,也最多人用。

眼見 ICQ的驚人發展,當時的網路巨擘也紛紛下海發展自有版本IM。

AOL Messenger ,MSN Messenger ,Yahoo! Messenger這些後起之秀挾著各自的資源(AOL 透過其入口網站與贈送的撥接光碟散佈,微軟透過在Windows 內建軟體,Yahoo!透過入口網站的龐大流量),也在後頭迅速追趕,但其使用人數總是離 ICQ有很大一段距離。

在2000年以前,筆者週遭的朋友絕大部分都在使用 ICQ,如果你使用別的廠牌,會面臨找不到伴的情況。否則就是必須同時開啟很多IM軟體,其中一個一定是 ICQ。

曾幾何時,開始有朋友問我,有沒有在使用 MSN,因為他想透過 MSN跟我通訊。剛開始還不以為意,但沒想到幾年下來問的人越來越多。我才注意到,不只 MSN,其他廠牌的IM軟體使用人數已經與 ICQ不相

當然,每個IM廠商背後的行銷資源不盡相同。或許我們可以說透過這些行銷資源操作,每個廠商最終取得的市場佔有率互有高低。而 ICQ的資源或許比不上微軟,比不上雅虎。但筆者更覺得,ICQ的產品設

前一陣子微軟公佈了 MSN Messenger 6.0版,在網路上引起瘋狂下載。筆者一天內可以收到來自朋友和同事數封推薦的電子郵件,推薦筆者一定要安裝。這引起了筆者的好奇,到底有什麼樣的功能這麼樣讓

這個版本的 MSN加入換皮的功能,可以把IM軟體換上自己喜歡的背景。此外,MSN本來就已經領先 ICQ推出圖形化的表情功能,此次更加入了可以自己設計表情圖像的功能,引起網路上一陣設計風潮。還有


看到這裡,筆者不禁要嘆息了!ICQ 又是一個科技公司的典型失敗。



ICQ 的出現點剛好在網路萌芽的時候,當時的網路使用者都是創新者與早期使用者,因此強大的功能也一致獲得這些人的口碑。接下來幾年,ICQ也不斷朝向提供更多功能的方向開發。

但隨著網際網路這幾年的發展,上網者已經普及到早期大眾,並開始擴張到晚期大眾的身上。當ICQ 強大的功能展現在他必須對幾十個選項進行一堆專業的設定才能使用,以及功能強大但過分素雅的介面,



ICQ 努力了這麼多年,如果赫然發現在眾多的功能清單中,使用者要的只不過是「換底圖」「換表情符號」「選用可以代表自己的圖片」時,不知道會不會昏過去?不知道他們能否理解,把介面外觀做得光

ICQ 是科技行銷上面的另外一個嘆息。很多技術背景的廠商知道如何經營早期採用者生意,卻怎麼也跨不過要進入大眾市場的那個門檻。

